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 3 Ways Psychotherapy Can Help Your Loved One Who's Suffering with a Mental Health Disorder 

Feb 06, 2024
 3 Ways Psychotherapy Can Help Your Loved One Who's Suffering with a Mental Health Disorder 
Mental health disorders can wreak havoc on your emotional wellness and your overall well-being. Fortunately, psychotherapy can help. Here are three ways therapy could help your loved one improve their health and their quality of life.

Known to many people as talk therapy, psychotherapy is about a lot more than conversation. 

Psychotherapy employs a variety of effective, proven techniques to help people learn positive, healthy behaviors while developing coping strategies that can help them manage an array of mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and substance abuse issues.

As a leading provider of mental health care in Wantagh, New York, Nova Wellness Health offers psychotherapy services to help our patients lead happier, healthier lives. 

In this post, learn three key ways psychotherapy can help your loved one manage their mental health disorder and improve the quality of their life.

Understand the reasons

Mental health disorders typically involve a set of beliefs that develop over time. These beliefs are often founded in misconceptions and falsehoods grounded in low self-esteem and feelings of failure, shame, and guilt that often accompany mental health disorders.

Negative beliefs influence the way you feel about yourself and the people and world around you, creating challenges at work, at home, and in social situations. They also drive unhealthy behaviors and negative thought processes that can be nearly impossible to change without professional help.

Psychotherapy helps your loved one understand the underlying triggers that support and drive those negative thoughts and behaviors. 

Over time, your loved one learns to challenge negative patterns and dismantle them, replacing them with healthy alternatives that support a more positive self-image and more positive thought processes.

Feel more confident and positive

Many mental health disorders make your loved one feel like they’re not in control of their life and their own destiny. Taking control of their personal stressors and learning ways to overcome them is extremely empowering. 

Psychotherapy gives your loved one the tools and strategies they need to take back control and feel confident in their ability to navigate life and all its challenges. 

Plus, by learning effective, proactive ways to deal with their issues, your loved one can enjoy greater energy levels and more enthusiasm toward life overall.

Physical health benefits, too

We can’t overstate the emotional and mental health benefits of psychotherapy. But therapy can benefit your loved one’s physical health, too — a factor that’s often overlooked.

Chronic stress is a major contributor to all sorts of chronic health conditions. When your loved one learns positive ways to cope and manage their underlying issues, they can reduce their risks of physical illness and decrease uncomfortable stress symptoms like headaches, nausea, and general aches and pains.

Don’t let a loved one manage a mental health issue on their own. To learn more about the benefits of psychotherapy for you or for your loved one, call 516-308-7405 or request an appointment online with our team at Nova Wellness Health today.