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Chronic Care Management

Chronic Care Management services offered in Wantagh, NY

Chronic Care Management services offered in the greater Wantagh, NY area

Many people live with one or several long-term health problems that require ongoing care. If you have diabetes, heart disease, or another chronic disorder, contact Valessa Mesidor, NP-C at Nova Wellness Health in Wantagh, New York. They provide high-quality chronic care management that ensures you enjoy the best health possible. Call Nova Wellness Health to request an in-person or telehealth consultation or book an appointment online today.

Chronic Care Management Q & A

What is chronic care management?

Chronic care management offers continued support to patients with long-term medical conditions. The Nova Wellness Health team helps with many ongoing health problems, but some of the more common ones include:

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Cancer
  • Osteoporosis
  • High cholesterol
  • Arthritis
  • Depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions
  • Fibromyalgia and other chronic pain disorders

The Nova Wellness Health team provides complete chronic care management for many diseases. They can also refer you to a specialist if your condition requires it. For example, you might see an oncologist if you have cancer or an endocrinologist if you have a hormonal condition.

Your provider works closely with your specialist to ensure you receive coordinated care.

How can chronic care management benefit me?

Chronic care management offers several significant benefits.

You’re less likely to develop severe or life-threatening complications when you’re on a chronic care management program — for example, unchecked high cholesterol or high blood pressure could lead to a fatal heart attack or stroke if you don’t manage your condition. Or a diabetic ulcer might become infected, leading to limb amputation.

Chronic care management reduces your risk of complications and death. It also enhances your quality of life because you’re able to keep your symptoms well-controlled.

What can I expect from my chronic care management program?

The Nova Wellness Health team designs your chronic care management plan to suit your unique needs, but common elements include:

Routine exams

Routine checkups are key to managing chronic conditions successfully. Your provider can identify any changes and adjust your treatment accordingly rather than waiting for new symptoms to worsen your health. Routine exams might include blood pressure checks, heart and lung function assessments, and blood or other lab tests.

Specialized procedures
Some patients require specific care, like a diabetic foot check to prevent ulcer formation.

Medication management
Most people with chronic diseases take medications. The Nova Wellness Health team helps you take your medicines correctly, avoid side effects, and maximize your treatment’s benefits.

Lifestyle change support
Stress, a poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, and excess body weight can worsen chronic diseases. Your provider helps you tackle problems like these to improve your general health and your ability to manage your condition.

Call Nova Wellness Health to see how chronic care management could benefit you, or schedule a consultation online today.