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Concierge Medicine

Concierge Medicine services offered in Wantagh, NY

Concierge Medicine services offered in the greater Wantagh, NY area

If you’d like better access to medical care and longer appointments, contact Valessa Mesidor, NP-C at Nova Wellness Health in Wantagh, New York. They offer a concierge medicine service providing multiple benefits to subscribers, including a comprehensive annual physical and four sick visits per year. Call Nova Wellness Health to learn more about concierge medicine’s benefits, or schedule a consultation online today.

Concierge Medicine Q & A

What is concierge medicine?

Concierge medicine is a method of delivering health care that offers advantages for patients. It ensures you receive personalized care and have immediate access to your health care provider. 

The way concierge medicine works is pretty straightforward. You pay a fee to join the program, and in return, you receive guaranteed services and benefits. 

Medical practices that don’t offer concierge services tend to schedule short appointment times to get as many patients through their doors as possible. However, as a concierge member, you get longer appointments, meaning the Nova Wellness Health team can provide superior care and attention to individual patients.

What benefits does concierge medicine offer me?

Individualized care is the primary concierge medicine benefit, but you also gain in many other ways. This approach enables the Nova Wellness Health team to:

  • Build long-term patient relationships
  • Work with patients to achieve wellness goals
  • Adopt a holistic, integrative approach
  • Create lifestyle plans that promote better health
  • Be your advocates and health system guides

People who’ve already experienced the benefits of concierge medicine recommend it wholeheartedly. They appreciate the ease of access to their health care provider, the partnership they develop, and the additional time that concierge medicine assures.

What services are available in a concierge medicine program?

After consulting with the Nova Wellness Health team, you can adapt your concierge medicine plan to your individual needs. A typical concierge medicine subscription includes:

Physical exams
Every concierge medicine member benefits from a comprehensive annual physical with point-of-care testing. A physical identifies health problems early on before you develop symptoms.

As a result, you can receive treatment before suffering any permanent damage and avoid the expense, distress, pain, and lost time conditions like cancer, heart disease, and hypertension (high blood pressure) cause.

Sick visits
Nova Wellness Health concierge medicine members can arrange up to four sick visits per year (not including lab work).

Ongoing medical care
Your concierge medicine plan entitles you to ongoing medical care for 12 months. Your provider also offers advice on making lifestyle changes to improve your general health, reducing your need for medications, and helping to improve your quality of life.

You can learn more about concierge medicine by calling the Nova Wellness Health office or scheduling a consultation using the online booking form.