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Physicals services offered in Wantagh, NY

Physicals services offered in the greater Wantagh, NY area

An annual physical ensures you receive treatment before suffering irreversible damage from conditions like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Valessa Mesidor, NP-C at Nova Wellness Health in Wantagh, New York, offer comprehensive physicals to prevent ill health and promote overall well-being. Call the Nova Wellness Health team to learn more, or book your annual physical using the online scheduling tool.

Physicals Q & A

What are physicals?

Physicals are routine checkups. The Nova Wellness Health team performs them to identify your risk of developing certain diseases and diagnose health problems at the earliest stages.

Many life-threatening conditions, like Type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and liver disease, don’t cause any obvious symptoms until they’re advanced. Treatment is then more difficult, and the outcomes less favorable.

Some conditions — notably hypertension (high blood pressure) and high cholesterol — cause no symptoms at all. You’d never know you had them until they became so severe you suffered a life-threatening heart attack or stroke.

What does having a physical involve?

Physicals typically begin with a discussion about your current health. Tell your provider about any changes since your last exam and raise concerns such as feeling unusually tired, anxious, or depressed.

After checking your medical history, your provider performs a physical exam. They record key health indicators, including your:

  • Weight
  • Heart rate 
  • Temperature
  • Blood pressure
  • Respiration (breathing) rate
  • Blood oxygen levels
  • Heart and lung sounds
  • Physical reflexes

Next, your provider examines various parts of your body, including your joints, eyes, ears, skin, feet, abdomen, and throat. They look for abnormalities like lumps, muscle wastage, painful areas, and skin lesions. Throughout the exam, your provider observes how well you move, your stability and strength, and your mental alertness and mood.  

Will I need any tests during my physical?

Physicals often involve giving blood and other samples for lab tests. These tests identify numerous problems, including:

  • Infections
  • Inflammation
  • High cholesterol
  • Raised blood sugar
  • Nutrient deficiencies

If you’re due for cancer screenings like a Pap smear to detect cervical cancer, your provider can perform them at your physical.

What happens after my physical?

After completing the physical, your provider advises you on any issues they’ve found and recommends further actions if required. These might include an X-ray to examine your joints or an electrocardiogram (EKG) to evaluate heart function.

Your provider also offers advice on changing your daily habits to reduce your risk of developing health problems in the future.

They can help you lose weight, quit smoking, reduce your alcohol intake, eat a more nutritious diet, get a better night’s sleep, and manage stress more effectively. You might also benefit from intravenous (IV) therapy to boost your health.

Call Nova Wellness Health to arrange your physical or book an appointment online today.