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I Made a New Year's Resolution to Lose Weight, But I'm Struggling

Apr 09, 2024
I Made a New Year's Resolution to Lose Weight, But I'm Struggling
New Year’s resolutions sound great when you make them, but they’re not always easy to keep — especially if they involve losing weight. The good news: Our team can help you get back on track. Here’s how.

New Year’s Day is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts, a time for resolutions born of good intentions and lots of hope. But by the time April rolls around, many find those good intentions have somehow fallen by the wayside, and the resolutions eagerly made a few short months ago now seem virtually unattainable.

That’s especially true when it comes to weight loss, a popular resolution for many people who want to set goals for the new year. But in many cases, it’s not the resolutions that are at fault — it’s your diet.

At Nova Wellness Health, our team offers medical weight loss regimens using a patient-centered, individualized approach that’s designed for success. If you’re struggling with your resolution to lose weight, here’s how we can help.

The problem with your diet

Roughly three-quarters of Americans are either overweight or obese, and not surprisingly, there are dozens of commercial diet plans to help people shed those extra pounds. 

The problem is everyone gains and loses weight differently. In order to be successful in your efforts, you need to address those individual factors. 

Commercial diet plans are based on broad principles of weight loss, and they don’t consider the individual factors that can make weight loss difficult for many people.

That means that despite how popular they may be, commercial diet plans can set you up for failure right from the start. 

Without tailoring your weight loss plan to your specific needs, you’re almost certain to experience frustration and poor results — and even if you do shed some pounds, there’s a good chance you’ll regain them.

Why medical weight loss works

While commercial diet plans are designed for the general public, medical weight-loss plans are developed on an individual basis and focus on each patient’s specific health and lifestyle needs and weight-loss challenges. 

A medical weight loss plan starts with a physical exam, including lab tests, to identify nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, or other underlying issues that could be interfering with weight management. 

We also review your medical history and your past attempts to lose weight, along with your weight loss goals and personal or lifestyle habits that could be making weight loss more difficult.

Depending on your personal profile, we may recommend:

  • A healthy eating plan
  • Physical activity tailored to your preferences
  • Medical management of underlying conditions
  • Nutritional supplements
  • IV therapy
  • Stress management or simple lifestyle changes

We also offer semaglutide, a medication that helps suppress appetite and slow digestion, so you feel fuller longer and eat less.

Throughout your weight loss journey, you have regular visits with our team. These visits ensure your plan stays on track with your evolving needs while giving you the support and positive feedback you need to stay on track and achieve your goals. 

Your plan also focuses on long-term results, helping you develop habits that support optimal health and wellness throughout your life.

Let medical weight loss work for you

Losing weight can improve your health and your self-confidence. To learn how we can help you shed those pounds and keep them off, call our Long Island clinic at 516-308-7405 or request an appointment online today with our team at Nova Wellness Health in Wantagh, New York.