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Myths and Facts About Immunizations

Oct 20, 2023
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Vaccines give your body the tools it needs to protect you from dangerous infections. Still, immunizations suffer from a fair amount of skepticism, due to common misunderstandings. In this post, we set things straight.

Vaccines play a key role in helping people of all ages stay healthy. Yet, despite their significant benefits, immunizations are still surrounded by myths and misunderstandings that, in many cases, could prevent people from getting the protection they need to avoid illness.

As a top-rated family wellness practice in Wantagh, New York, Nova Wellness Health offers immunizations for patients of all ages based on current recommendations and guidelines. 

In this month’s post, our medical providers, Valessa Mesidor, NP-C, and Norvy Jean, NP-BC, dispel some of the most common vaccine myths to help you make informed decisions about your own health and wellness.

Myth: Vaccines make you sick

Vaccines do not make you sick. In fact, they help you avoid sickness. It’s true that you might have flu-like symptoms following some vaccines, including feelings of fatigue or mild aches and pains. 

Those symptoms are temporary, and they’re not a sign of illness or infection. Instead, they happen when your immune system kicks into gear, producing antibodies to help you ward off specific diseases. 

Symptoms disappear in a day or two, and in the meantime, you can manage them with over-the-counter pain relievers. 

Myth: Vaccines cause autism

This myth is especially common, and it’s also incorrect. It’s based on two old studies that have subsequently been recognized as flawed in their design and execution. Multiple studies since then have shown no link between vaccines and autism.

Myth: Vaccines Contain Harmful Ingredients

Some people also erroneously believe that vaccines contain harmful chemicals or other ingredients that are bad for human consumption. In fact, vaccines are rigorously tested, and they do not contain ingredients harmful to human health.

Myth: Vaccines weaken your immunity

Vaccines actually strengthen your immunity by helping your body produce important chemicals called antibodies. These antibodies are like keys designed to unlock germs that cause specific diseases. 

Once your body produces those antibodies, it knows how to produce them in the future if you encounter the same type of germ.

Myth: You don’t need vaccines as an adult

Kids definitely get a lot of vaccines to help prevent serious and life-threatening diseases, but adults need vaccines, too. You need to get some vaccines, like the flu shot, annually, while other shots provide years or even a lifetime of protection. 

In fact, there are some vaccines — like the shingles vaccine — that are specifically designed for adults. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintains a schedule to help ensure you get the right vaccines at the right time.

Myth: Natural immunity is superior to vaccines

We’re born with limited natural immunity from our moms, and we can develop some immunity from germs we’re exposed to on a daily basis. But vaccines help us develop immunity to very serious diseases that can cause life-threatening complications.

Childhood illnesses — like measles, mumps, and chickenpox — can all cause serious complications, including death. The annual flu season claims the lives of adults and kids, too. 

Vaccines provide your body with the added immunity it needs to fight infections and the problems they cause. Keeping your vaccines up to date is one of the best ways to stay healthy at every stage of life. 

To find out more about the vaccines we offer and to make sure your immunizations are up to date, call our Wantagh, New York, office at 516-308-7405 or request an appointment online today.