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Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Annual Physical — Even if You Feel Fine

Jul 26, 2024
Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Annual Physical — Even if You Feel Fine
It’s easy to think about going to the doctor when you don’t feel well. But having annual physicals is critically important for your health, too. Here are four reasons why.

Your health needs can change dramatically during your lifetime, and making sure you do all you can to avoid medical problems isn’t always easy. An annual physical exam can play a key role in helping you keep track of your changing health needs in addition to providing guidance focused on helping you stay healthy at every stage of life.

At Nova Wellness Health, our team offers comprehensive annual physical exams for patients 14 and older, providing patient-centered care focused on each person’s individual needs. Here, learn why it’s important not to skip your next annual exam.

One exam, lots of benefits

If you’re like many of our patients, going to the doctor is something you do only if you’re feeling ill. But a yearly physical exam is actually an extremely important part of avoiding diseases and maintaining health and wellness as you age. Here’s why.

Spot problems early

One of the most important reasons to have an annual exam is to ensure your medical team identifies health problems as early as possible. 

During your exam, we review your personal and family medical histories and perform a series of assessments and evaluations, along with blood testing, urinalysis, and other tests as needed. 

These assessments allow our team to spot very subtle changes in your health profile that could indicate the early stages of a disease or another underlying problem. 

Health problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes have very few or no symptoms in their early phases — and they all become more common with age. Annual exams are the best way to identify those and other acute and chronic medical problems so we can treat or even prevent them.

Make sure your care is up to date

Many health recommendations are based on your age or other developing risk factors, and a yearly exam gives us the opportunity to make sure you’re receiving the tests and screenings you need. That includes colonoscopies, mammograms, and prostate exams.

Annual exams also ensure your vaccinations are up to date. Many people mistakenly think immunizations are just for infants and kids, but that’s not true. Some vaccines, like the shingles and pneumonia vaccines, are designed specifically for adults, while other vaccines need boosters to remain active.

Your health needs aren’t the only changes that happen over time. Medical treatments and recommendations also change. Having an annual exam ensures your care and health recommendations are always up to date so you don’t miss out on any key developments.

Get important lifestyle guidance

Medical care is just part of what it takes to stay healthy. It’s also important to make sure your lifestyle and habits stay in tune with your needs. Lifestyle recommendations can lower your risk of diseases, and they can also improve your overall quality of life.

During your physical exam, we offer guidance based on your health profile, any physical limitations you have, your hobbies, your work, and your social activities. 

Those recommendations may touch on how to:

  • Improve your eating habits
  • Work physical activity into your routine
  • Manage stress
  • Maintain your cognitive and emotional health

Play a more proactive role

Finally, annual physicals give you the tools you need to manage your health on a more personal, proactive level. During your exam, you can discuss any health concerns you may have and ask questions about your health and wellness. 

Having a regular time to communicate openly with us helps you feel more confident about your health and your care while building all-important trust with your health care team.

Schedule your annual physical today

Having a yearly physical exam is one of the most important steps you can take to stay healthy now and in the future — and it only takes about an hour or less. 

To schedule your physical exam, call 516-308-7405 or request an appointment online with our team at Nova Wellness Health in Wantagh, New York, today.